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Share a review about our company on a social network and get rewards for each post.

- Only users with an active deposit can participate

- The reward can be claimed once every (7 days)

- Posts us on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok,Twitter. E.t.c


- The reward for sharing in public groups is $0.1 to $0.5 per post (the amount paid depends on the promotional result of the posts)

- Posts must only be in public groups, private groups are not accepted

- Groups must have a minimum of 500 members (groups on any topic, sales, Crypto,business, etc. are accepted)

- The reward for making the publication on the personal profile is from 0.5$ to 2$ for each publication (the personal profile cannot be private and must have a minimum of 100 friends or followers)


• The publication must contain a promotional image of our company

• The post must have our website link (can be your referral link)

• The promotional image must contain information about the profits that users can earn in our company, if the image does not contain information about our company then you can write a text with a short information about us.

- To claim the bonuses you must write to our Customer Service





Invite 10 registered users at the first referral level and 5 users have deposited for the first time. Bonus Of $10

Invite 30 registered users at the first referral level and 15 users have deposited for the first time. Bonus Of $30

Invite 60 registered users at the first referral level and 30 users have deposited for the first time. Bonus Of $60

Invite 100 registered users at the first referral level and 50 users have deposited for the first time. Bonus Of $100

Invite 200 registered users at the first referral level and 80 users have deposited for the first time. Bonus Of $200

- Multiple accounts and activities together to withdraw additional rewards are not allowed.

- To claim the bonuses you must write to our Customer Service https://t.me/Troxebounty